We develop systems and provide services in

Information Technology

  • Project and Process Management - Certified Project Management Professionals will execute complex projects on time and within budget.

  • Program Management, bringing Information Technology solutions to specific business problems: cycle time reduction, productivity improvement, other cost reductions. Lean Six Sigma meets AI, Autonomation applications.

  • Agile Development - Certified managers structuring iterative development - Scrum, Kanban, or XP - working on complex projects with changing requirements.

  • Algorithm development and integration - Development of custom algorithms for specific applications


  • Turnarounds of underperforming or non-performing businesses, troubles assets

  • Lean production/supply chains, logistics, and discrete component manufacturing facilities of all kinds

  • Productivity improvements in all kinds of businesses: e.g., insurance, real estate management, logistics, manufacturing, to name a few.

  • Development of installation of mission critical systems such as ERP for proven, guaranteed results.


  • Development, Financing, and Operation of energy plants, such as Powerplants (Cogenerators, combined and simple cycle), Solar and energy storage systems

  • Energy Efficiency and cost reduction assessments for large energy users

  • Development renewable fuels and methane refineries, injection into distribution systems

  • Trading and operation in FERC-regulated ISO markets, capacity management and dispatch

  • Natural gas trading and trading platforms

  • Sophisticated financial models for offtake, underwriting, and risk management