We develop systems and provide services in
Information Technology
Project and Process Management - Certified Project Management Professionals will execute complex projects on time and within budget.
Program Management, bringing Information Technology solutions to specific business problems: cycle time reduction, productivity improvement, other cost reductions. Lean Six Sigma meets AI, Autonomation applications.
Agile Development - Certified managers structuring iterative development - Scrum, Kanban, or XP - working on complex projects with changing requirements.
Algorithm development and integration - Development of custom algorithms for specific applications
Turnarounds of underperforming or non-performing businesses, troubles assets
Lean production/supply chains, logistics, and discrete component manufacturing facilities of all kinds
Productivity improvements in all kinds of businesses: e.g., insurance, real estate management, logistics, manufacturing, to name a few.
Development of installation of mission critical systems such as ERP for proven, guaranteed results.
Development, Financing, and Operation of energy plants, such as Powerplants (Cogenerators, combined and simple cycle), Solar and energy storage systems
Energy Efficiency and cost reduction assessments for large energy users
Development renewable fuels and methane refineries, injection into distribution systems
Trading and operation in FERC-regulated ISO markets, capacity management and dispatch
Natural gas trading and trading platforms
Sophisticated financial models for offtake, underwriting, and risk management