Lean Energy

A discussion of the application of zero latency process concepts in the production and consumption of energy. This is divided into a series along the lines of core lean ideas: Standard Cost, Latency Reduction, Continuous Improvement (Kaizen). The downloads are clean pdf files.

  • Energy delivery follows the principles of low latency conversion. Download

  • Low variance standard cost methods in industrial energy management. Download

  • How to use behind-the-meter generation to impact the specific risk of electricity pricing. Download

  • Automated arbitrage in distributed energy. Download

  • And you thought energy management was boring! Download


Data Quality

Bits and pieces about information and data quality.

  • An organizing principle for the structure and deployment of web services in general, and data quality services in particular. Download.

  • MDM as a result of data quality assurance processes. Download.

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  • How the Price of Power is Set

  • Energy Risk in Food Manufacturing

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  • Leveraging lean and JIT energy principles in petfood manufacturing

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